Saturday, February 19, 2011

Anapaestic hexameter is hard

                       When I'm working in lab and I'm draining the drops that remain in a flask,
                       When I'm out at a bar and I'm eyeing the ice in the depths of my glass,
                       When I'm laying in bed and I'm circled by scenes of regret for the past,
                       I reflect and I see that in all of these three I'm just watching life pass.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Another Day in Lab

                       The gentle scent of cigarettes
                       diffuses through the air.
                       It hides the smell of TEMED spilt,
                       pipetted without care.

                       "He should have used the hood!" I cried,
                       but then I acquiesce.
                       I've suffered worse, and learned this truth,
                       It's better not to stress.